3 Idiots

Carried away by the praises for 3 Idiots on TV,  magazines, newspapers, blogs and people around me I ventured to watch the movie. It turned out to be foolish. The movie couldn’t have been made worse. Masking the movie as a feel good one, intented at questioning the education system  what the director dishes out is crap like any other that these days gets dismissed by ‘highbrow’ muliplex audience as low quality and meant for the so called ‘B’ and ‘C’ centers.

I am told that it touches at how the education system is defective and needs a overhaul. But I found nothing convinsing and nothing new other than few scenes here and there that Aamir mouths on how things really should be. Otherwise its just a package of unrefined jokes and jokes we have known from god knows when.

What irks me more than the stupid movie is the fact that people are hailing it as masterpiece and good thing to have happened. Its all the Aamir and the Raju Hirani effect.  Everybody would want others to believe that they belong to the exclusive circle of intellectual cinema patrons. Saying anything against the ‘perfectionist’ Aamir’s film would be scorned.  I am dying to read a review which trashes  3 Idiots for what it actual is without having to say crap like “..despite its few flaws,  3 Idiots is fun and sets you thinking. Go for it!”. Well, I might not find it anywhere. Infact that’s the reason for this blog post.

4 comments :: 3 Idiots

  1. http://indiablogs.searchindia.com/2009/12/24/3-idiots-review-total-garbage/

    Here's one review which does what you asked for.


    11:53 AM

  2. hi you have same pro with mail server u said rajat
    my id rajatjpatel@gmail.com

  3. I think I've a similar kind of critical appreciation about the movie. I've blogged it at

    Movies thrive on sensationalism these days; trivialisation of otherwise sacred and serious is one such way.



  4. I gusess it is the Aamir Khan effect. It seems that hust like film critics, even audience can't deny watching a film that has Aamir Khan. The film had some funny moments, but I agree wasn't worth the hype.