My friend Swathi tagged me to write on the significance of numbers in my life. After much thought I have figured out how some numbers have had importance.
It was fun, Swathi. Thanks!
1: No of subjects I failed in my engineering examinations. It was Analog Communications! I had secured 23 :(
2: No of books I was gifted by friends cum colleagues on my farewell day in my previous company. Those were "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" and "Guns, Germs, and Steel”. I am reading the latter and its brilliant!
3: No of languages with which I am quiet comfortable reading and writing; Tamil, Kannada and English. Also I stood third in the only essay competition that I ever participated. The essay's title was "Art for Art Sake"
4: My favorite movie of all time is comprised of four names! - "Michael Madana Kama Rajan"
5: No of my team mates at office currently!
6: My birth date! 6th of April
7: In my current company I am a grade 7 engineer!
8: No of my fans on Orkut!
9: It was in standard 9 that I was caught red-handed for indulging in examination malpractice. No, I did not try to clear the exam through short cuts but I passed on my answer sheets to my friend to help him out. That was the first and last time that I did such a thing!
10: No of unique badges that I have earned in Stackoverflow, my favourite Q&A site out there in web.
Hey thanks got taking it up. And LOL @ what u came up with for 8; very different :)
1:17 PM