Indian Cricket and Fighting Spirit

Rohit Brijnath is one sports columnist whose writing I follow keenly. He writes for The Hindu regularly. Be it Cricket, Athletics, Tennis or any other sport, he writes with great élan. Read his comments on the recent slump of Indian Cricket here.

"Fighting is many things. It is the constant warding off of impatience. It is battling the waistline. It is the honest struggle to lift personal standards. It is the desperate hanging on to concentration…Part of the contest of sport is not with opponent, but with the self, the ability to find faith and courage when the hands quiver. Furthermore the great player separates himself from the pack because he asks more from himself than others do"
Indian Cricketers should learn from their mistakes and others else they could well forget about the World Cup.

1 comments :: Indian Cricket and Fighting Spirit

  1. Cricket? What is that? Hmmmm...I should know. They are chirping all around me!

    Couldn't find a live game if I wanted to in North America. And, I don't miss it. :)


    9:01 PM